Cavern Of Dacylos Raid
Welcome to The New Cavern of Dacylos Raid Guide for Fantasy RSPS
To start the raid, talk to the master
Skill Need to complete cavern of Dacylos Raid
Farming: level 87
Wc: level 98
Herblore: level 98
Firemaking: level 98
Cooking: level 98
You can buy the items in the shop, for what you need (food, etc)
In the skilling room, theres a lot of different skilling methods
In the skilling room, you can click the task board to see what tasks you need to complete.
In this room, you must kill the warriors until you get a Fantasy orb
In this room, you must kill the semi-boss sinister olm.
At any time you can access the raid bank, to transfer items between your team.
Defeat the final boss to receive the raid key!
Open the chest for your loot..
Enjoy the raiding!