Evolution Guide

Evolution Guide

Welcome To Evolution Guide for Fantasy RSPS


With the evolution skill, you will be able to farm energy you need to use to create a scroll that will unlock the ability to level up higher skill than the max at level 120 set as start, How this works is you open up your skill tab click on the evolution skill down in the right side of the bottom,

When you click on the skill you will be teleported to an area with 8 tiers of evolution energy source, so what you do is start siphon from the tier 1 evolution energy source to level up the skill and collect the evolution essence you going to gather these to create the scroll that will alow you to increase the max level you can gain in combat skills.

This can also be a good way to make money for selling to other players who don't like the grind for these and want the scrolls to unlock fast.

What is the benefit other than raising the max of levelling combat skill and also giving you the ability to increase your max damage.


The level requires to siphon the different tiers:

Evolution Energy Source T1

Req lvl 0 

Evolution Energy Source T2
Level 10

Evolution Energy Source T3

Level 20

Evolution Energy Source T4

Level 35

Evolution Energy Source T5

Level 50

Evolution Energy Source T6

Level 70

Evolution Energy Source T7

Level 90

Evolution Energy Source T8

Level 97

Evolution Energy Source T9

Level 104

After you have collected the evolution essence you can sell them or you can use them if you click on the creation tokens or creation skill you open up the creation interphase.


Creations table for Fantasy RSPS:


T1 125k Level Unlock
500k Evolution Essence 5
600k Evolution Essence 6
700k Evolution Essence 7
800k Evolution Essence 8
900k Evolution Essence 9
100k 1M Coin
35M Creation Tokens


T2 150k Level Unlock
600k Evolution Essence 5
700k Evolution Essence 6
800k Evolution Essence 7
900k Evolution Essence 8
1mk Evolution Essence 9
200k 1M Coin
40M Creation Tokens


T3 175k Level Unlock
700k Evolution Essence 5
800k Evolution Essence 6
900k Evolution Essence 7
1m Evolution Essence 8
1,1m Evolution Essence 9
300k 1M Coin
45M Creation Tokens


T4 200k Level Unlock
800k Evolution Essence 5
900k Evolution Essence 6
1m Evolution Essence 7
1,1m Evolution Essence 8
1,2m Evolution Essence 9
500k 1M Coin
50M Creation Tokens


T5 250k Level Unlock
1,2m Evolution Essence 5
1,4m Evolution Essence 6
1,6m Evolution Essence 7
1,8m Evolution Essence 8
2m Evolution Essence 9
600k 1M Coin
60M Creation Tokens


T6 300k Level Unlock
1,6m Evolution Essence 5
1,8m Evolution Essence 6
2m Evolution Essence 7
2,2m Evolution Essence 8
2,4m Evolution Essence 9
700k 1M Coin
70M Creation Tokens


T7 400k Level Unlock
3,7m Evolution Essence 5
4m Evolution Essence 6
4,3m Evolution Essence 7
4,7m Evolution Essence 8
5m Evolution Essence 9
800k 1M Coin
80M Creation Tokens


T8 500k Level Unlock
4,5m Evolution Essence 5
4,9m Evolution Essence 6
5,4m Evolution Essence 7
5,8m Evolution Essence 8
6,2m Evolution Essence 9
1,2m 1M Coin
90M Creation Tokens


T9 600k Level Unlock
4,9m Evolution Essence 5
5,3m Evolution Essence 6
5,8m Evolution Essence 7
6,2m Evolution Essence 8
6,5m Evolution Essence 9
2m 1M Coin
100M Creation Tokens


T10 700k Level Unlock
17m Evolution Essence 5
18m Evolution Essence 6
19m Evolution Essence 7
20m Evolution Essence 8
21m Evolution Essence 9
30m 1M Coin
200M Creation Tokens


T11 800k Level Unlock
88m Evolution Essence 6
82m Evolution Essence 7
78m Evolution Essence 8
73m Evolution Essence 9
30m 1M Coin
200M Creation Tokens


T12 900k Level Unlock
137m Evolution Essence 6
121m Evolution Essence 7
109m Evolution Essence 8
97m Evolution Essence 9

83m Evolution Essence 10
60m 1M Coin
250M Creation Tokens


T13 1M Level Unlock
145m Evolution Essence 6
137m Evolution Essence 7
131m Evolution Essence 8
128m Evolution Essence 9

121m Evolution Essence 5
200m 1M Coin
500 1M Creation Tokens


T14 1.25M Level Unlock
151m Evolution Essence 6
144m Evolution Essence 7
139m Evolution Essence 8
133m Evolution Essence 9
127m Evolution Essence 10
1000m 1M Coin
2k 1M Creation Tokens


T15 1.5M Level Unlock
167m Evolution Essence 6
161m Evolution Essence 7
155m Evolution Essence 8
149m Evolution Essence 9
145m Evolution Essence 10
2100m 1M Coin
5k 1M Creation Tokens

AFK Evolution Checkout

How does this work?

Clicking the option to check-out at the evolution essence npcs, will allow you to log out and still be gaining evolution essences while you're logged out!

Once you've enabled the option, just simply start siphoning, then you can close your client etc and it'll continue to grind for you.