Game Update #25 - Ambush raid, Tombs of Anarchy minigame + more
Raid of Ambush Fantasy RSPS
Unlock the new Anarchy Raid in T11 Creation.
Keys Reward
Tombs of Anarchy
Talk to Anarchy trader to help him kill one of the 4 new npc
When you done kill one of the npc go back talk to Anarchy trader to claim your reward.
The shop.
Keys Reward
New Tier 11 Armor
New Tier 12 Armor
The supreme set has more dr/ddr than the infinity set.
New Tier 12 Armor
The infinity set has more damage than the Supreme set and less dr/ddr
Wings of Fury
Ring of Anarchy
Supreme Ambush Box
Infinity Ambush Box
New Wolfy Companions Egg.
We added new companions egg to gem shop
Added more slayer prestige.
Removed armour Tier 1 - Tier 9
We have removed from Tier 1-9 to give players more of an advantage when joining.
Other Updates
Fixed advance dupe prayer in advanced prayer book
Added advance x2 runecrafting to advanced prayer book
Removed all donator ranks under king donater
Removed all imbue content.
Removed donator zones under king donor zone
Updated ironman global boss drops
Added cash drop boost scroll to Cash cow in exclusive donor zone.
Removed boss tokens shop and boss tokens drop from all bosses in game.
Added Achivement to Cerberus Raid.
Added quick start to Cerberus Raid.
Added a countdown timer at the top of the bonuses tab of the deals interface.
Fixed so you can now enter the room at the righteous donor zone.
Added the XP scroll to gem shop.
Added Gauntlet Shaft to Gauntlet key2.
Added Elegant Evolution global boss.
Removed vote shop npc and added command to open ::vshop
Fixed epic chest in prayer chamber minigame so you can now open keys.
Rework of Creative Workshop minigame - this now give Evolution goodiebag and evo 6 essence
Change to ::updates so it now open the last update
Fixed so you cant use AOE kree minions when you fight kree.
Fixed so cape of raiding t2 now give the right sp xp
Fixed crate timer in player panel.
Server support can now host NPC events and squid games.
Added new Event role to player who wants jo join the event team.
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