Views: 321 Fantasy Custom RSPS: Game Update #27

Fantasy Custom RSPS: Game Update #27

Game Update #27 - New Ranks, 1 New Donator zone, Zoin zone + more

New Vote Box

New Voting Mystery Box added when you vote for Fantasy RSPS you have a chance to get a Box.
This also was added to the Voting Boss as a drop.


Promo Item Adjustment

Tons of promo items now have dissolved for 5K gems.

If they are the best promo item currently in that slot, then they will not have a dissolve.


We have also re-introduced the old discontinued promo items that are still best in slot


These promo items that have been re-introduced have also been updated to have much better stats.

Going forward, promo items are no longer going to be the “BEST” for main-slot, but instead they will instead be the best for COSMETIC SLOT.

It is recommended that you wear these items in your cosmetic slot, then grind for your main slot items.


New Infinity Donator Zone

When you enter the zone you will need to get the New Infinity Pickaxe, go to the Infinity Champion and kill them for a chance to get the Infinity Pickaxe


Mine Infinity Ores here, fully afkable.

Mine the new infinity ores and drop the ores in the furnace, it will give coins and a rare chance to get a gold season pass scroll.

On average it should take about 24~ hours of AFK to get a gold season pass here.

Its possible for it to be shortner or longer, depending on how lucky you are.


New Season Pass Zone

The New season pass zone teleport can be obtained from complete the season pass, this new zone come with 2 teleport this season

Silver Season Pass Zone will be a free zone you can enter without any fee, this zone will give you the chance to kill the Companion Champion (Silver) to get the brand first new Cosmetic Companion Snake Purple, this new companion will give benefits in the cosmetic slot

Gold Season Passs Zone - this zone has a coins fee to start a new 1 hour instance, and the drop from this zone is the brand new Gold Snake Companion Pet with better Bonus in cosmetic slot then the Purple Snake 


Rework of Nightmare Zone

Nightmare zone had a big rework. This is now a new afk way to obtain the bis gear in exchange for spending coins.

Go talk to Nightmare Master and you will have the option to pick what bis you will grind out for

Ultimate Nightmare
Kree’arra Nightmare

Anarchy Nightmare

Select the type of instance you want to start and there is a fee to pay to enter.

By doing the nightmare zone you will gather Ticket for the zone you chosen. With these tokens you can talk to the nightmare master and open the shop.


Rework of Imperial Donator Zone

We have added a new coin zone for people to get a new upgraded version of the Coin pet we had in the game before, this rework of the imperial zone has a new and better pet with better benefits.

Teleport to the imperial zone trade the coin zone shop then you need to buy the Cash token you need 1 cash token to kill 1 coin npc



Legendary Zone Rework

Legendary zone is now changed into a skilling zone where you can level up skills!

- Magic Trees
- RuneCraft Altar
- Thieving Stalls
- A Fire for Firemaking
- Farming
- Crafting Shop
- Farming Shop

Dissolve added to Kree Wings

Dissolve added to Kree Wings for ashes you can use for upgrade into Kree´arra wings in T12 Creation



Change to Max Master and Cape Info board added.

Check out the benefit and req at 


New Season pass

A new season pass is now active with new reward and a new season pass zone.

Chest Choice Ticket Change

Added More limited items to Chest choice.


ULTRA Ambush Box Fantasy RSPS

Added New Ultra Ambush Box to Gem shop, deals and Fantasy Custom RSPS Store!



2 New Donator Ranks

Infinity Donator Rank

250M Donation claimed


Luxurious Donator Rank

500M Donation claimed


Other Updates

Added dissolve to old limited/promo items for 5k Gem, (Bis don't have dissolve.)

Added 250k Level unlocks to Creation

Removed Incarnation Set from gem shop

Fixed T2 potion give wrong text when effects worn off.
Anarchy task now give the ash amount it say in chat.

You can now do ::convertwheel to old Live Stream Wheel for Vote points

You cant claim a new season pass if the season pass is ended

Buffet hp to Infinity Slayer Npc

Dry drop from magician is now fixed

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