Game Update #7 - Elysium Update, New Bosses, YouTube System, Armour & MORE!
Flower Poker Ban
You can now ban yourself from Flower Poker / Dicing.

Ardent, Ember, Cyclonic Armour
New t16 gear has been added, you can obtain them as a drop from the new bosses.

Stats are between Trinity (i) and War-bane (i)

Create the gear in t16 Creation

Elysium Armour
T17 Elysium Armour has been added!
This armour set is tribrid and best in slot.

There is also an imbued version, obtained from Nightmare zone

Here are the stats

Gear can be created in T17 Creation

3 New Bosses
New bosses have been added to the game!
All of theses bosses can be unlocked for 50B cash and will require 15K Trilogy King & War-Bane Commander kills.
All of these bosses can be instanced with the new Elysium instances.
Ardent Magician
The ardent magician drops the new Ardent magic set.

Ember Archer
The Ember Archer drops the new Ember range set.

Cyclonic Warrior
The Cyclonic Warrior drops the new Cyclonic melee set.

Elysium Instance
The new elysium instance item has been added, to instance the new bosses.

You can create the Elysium instances in t1 Creation

You can also buy them from the cash shop, or obtain them from the Evil Bunny zone.
Elysium Slayer Master
A new slayer master has been added that will give tasks for the 3 new bosses.

A new slayer contract has also been added:

New Dissolves
Warbane (i) now dissolves for 95K nightmare points
Elysium regular dissolves for 125k nightmare shards
Elysium (i) dissolves for 135k nightmare points
T16 items dissolve for 15k nightmare shards
Trinity items now dissolve for 10b cash
Altex now dissolves for 10b cash
Elysium Clue & Casket

New Pets
New pets have been added for the new bosses

Weekly Deals Interface Timer
The weekly deals interface will now show how long until your deals will reset

New Mystery Boxes - Elysium
New boxes have been added to the game!

Vote Reward Adjustment
Voting will now give you the new Elysium boxes.
Vote Streak rewards have been adjusted.

Supreme Chest Updated
The Supreme chest in-game has been updated!

YouTube Giveaway System
We now have a new ::yt system !
YouTubers will create a giveaway here, and put a code in their video.
You can enter the code here to get a reward as well as an entry into the giveaway.

Eggs Open-All Option

Highscores & Top Players
We have added a highscores and top players page to the website, but this is still being tested.

Bug Fixes
Fixed the global rare loot announcement for caskets (it was showing 3x the amount of caskets opened)
Clicking special attack on Dacylos weapons no longer takes special attack if cool down is active
You can no longer wear 2 max capes at the same time (one main and one cosmetic slot, this is abuse)
Creation will no longer give you negative xp
Fixed bug with not getting a daily task / pvp daily task sometimes
Fixed protect from melee in hard nightmare zone
Slayer sword no longer gives infusion bonus
Fixed bug with change private color not allowing you to pm
Fixed another bug with prayer chamber teleporting out and spawning extra boss
QOL Updates
The NPC kill requirement to attack bosses has been removed from all bosses except the 3 new ones in this update
The weekly vote lottery is now 250 game credits instead of 100
The weekly vote lottery now resets everyone's vote lottery entries weekly on Sunday, even if you are saving them.
Daily login rewards have been changed to new boxes.
Updated helpful tips that say how to spend boss tokens
Removed Easter dragon from items list
All slayer contracts are now untradeable
Creative workshop items are now untradeable
Daily tasks have been reworked, specifically which tasks go into which difficulty
It's now impossible to siphon on two accounts at the same time
If staff account is at evolution it will show them offline
If a player is banned you can no longer access their player owned shop
Evolution global boss now drops 100k unlock instead of 90k
If you click a level unlock and already have it unlocked, it will now tell you this
All max capes now have 2000 Drop Rate and 1000 Double Drop Rate
Updated BIS Choice Boxes