Fantasy Custom RSPS Game Update #14
World Crusher, T10/T11 Accessories, 800K Unlock, Decanter + MORE!
New World Boss
A new concept has been added… The World Crusher!
This boss requires 250B cash to spawn for 15 minutes.
You must also have a minimum of 500x Gauntlet Guardsman kills.
He will drop T10 Accessories!
Apollyon Accessories
The new apollyon accessories are made through Creation only
Apollyon (i) accessories are also obtained through Infinity Slayer
It costs 75K infinity slayer tokens to buy the imbue.
The imbued version has a differnet, but similar texture.
Ranger, Magical, Battle Accessories
These new accessories are dropped from the World Crusher boss!
Battle accessories - Melee (t10)
Ranger accessories - Range (t10)
Magical accessories - Magic (t10)
Can be created in T10 creation
The accessories also dissolve for 5t
Gambling Rules
This interface will show when using the gamble portal at home
x2 Runecrafting Scroll
A scroll that will double your runecrafting runes when runecrafting has been added to the Slayer shop!
Creativity Prayer
The creativity prayer will double creation tokens from boss drops when prayer is active
This prayer is in the Mega prayer chest
800K Skill Unlock
It is now possible to level up to 800K in combat stats!
World Crusher Pet
A pet has been added, unlocked from killing the World Crusher Boss.
Spartan Shield
A new promotional item has been added - Spartan Shield!
This shield is available in Chest Tickets and Voting Wheel!
Congratulations to Newusername, one of the Elemental amulet winners from the voting wheel.
Apollyon Boxes
New mystery boxes have been added that give the new accessories!
Starter Book
When new players join the game they will get a starter book that will give some options to help them understand the game.
A decanter to turn (3) pots into (4) pots has been added to the herblore skill teleport
Other Updates in Fantasy Runescape Private Server
Legendary donator zone now has satanic minor box
Removed the superior tickets from the drop table of the bosses and put it back to 1/1.5k chance
Fixed bugs with slayer duo disbanding due to the x2 progress capes
x2 progress on slayer tasks no longer work in the last 5 kill of the task
The total claimed amount now shows when claiming bonds
Prayer shard price has been increased in the prayer chamber shop
Ominous pet is now unlocked by default when logging in
Fixed global boss teleport in teleport interface
Voting damage scrolls are now tradeable
Satanic slayer task achievement has been fixed
Slayer ring now works for Infinity slayer
Slayer helmet now works in infinity slayer zone tasks
The donation boss global announcement has been changed so its more visible
Blocking a slayer task now can be done from pouch
Knights now get more xp from the agility tickets
Kingdom boss coins drop now go to pouch
Fixed ddr I potion bonus
Fixed gauntlet raid prayer smuggle
Claiming a slayer contract no longer works if you are in a duo party
You can now dissolve dupe prayers for keys
Fixed loot screen showing wrong amount of caskets opened
Iron man boss now counts for season pass xp
Staff bucks now auto go to bank
Pets will re-summon when you log back into the game
Using quick-start option at the end of gauntlet raids will not turn prayers off
Gauntlet raid will not get assigned as a daily task anymore
Fixed AOE and drops on locust controller
Gauntlet Shield (i) now dissolves for the regular shield instead of imbue