Game Update #1 - The Beginning
Update #1 - The Beginning
Global Boss Loot Rework
The globals have been reworked, all except the Box Boss.
DID YOU KNOW? The max health you can deal on Fantasy global bosses is based on how many players are in the area.
New Instance Global Boss
The old Infusion global boss that dropped essence has been removed and replaced with the Instance Global.
This global boss will drop tons of instance goodiebags!
Instance Goodiebags
A all new goodiebag has been added to the game!
This goodiebag gives mass amounts of instances.
These goodiebags are available from : Event store, Creation workshop minigame, Daily Task Shop, and Instance global boss.
Prayer Chamber Minigame
The most unique minigame our team has ever created..
The reward for completing this minigame is unlocking the new prayers.
Step 1 - Collect Prayer Source
Step 2 - Convert Prayer Source to Holy Bones
Step 3 - Sacrifice Holy Bones for Prayer Shards
Step 4 - Spend Prayer Shards to enter boss room and kill boss
Step 5 - Use the keys you get from the boss on the chest. There are 4 keys!
Note: The chest has dupe protection by default.
You will not receive a duplicate prayer unless you already have it unlocked.
Alternative Method
Buy prayer shards from the Father
Unholy Prayer Book
The unholy prayer book has 11 new prayers + soulsplit!
Switch to the prayer book at the atlar at home
Prayer Drain
When you have prayers activated, you must also have prayer orbs. Even if you have the prayer unlocked, you will need the orbs.
This concept will make this minigame continue to be important content indefinately, which is the route we want to go with updates for now on.
Dupe Protection
This prayer will make it so that you will not receive an item that you have already received as a drop.
This is based on the Collection Log. If your collection log is already completed, it will just give you a random one.
Drain rate - 1 orb
9x9 AOE Grid
This prayer will give you AOE in a 9x9 area. Currently the highest AOE is 8x8 so this is a little better.
But, mostly this is a troll prayer and im very sorry if you get it.
Drain rate - 0 orb
Double Slayer Scales
Having this prayer activated will give you double slayer scales.
The slayer scales is a new piece of content in this update (See Slayer Boss)
Drain rate - 1 orb
x1.15 DR Multiplier
Be careful to not confuse this prayer with 15% DR.
This prayer actually multiplies your drop rate, so if you have 1,000 Drop Rate it will become 1,150 Drop Rate.
Drain rate - 1 orb
x1.10 DDR Multiplier
Be careful to not confuse this prayer with 10% DDR.
This prayer actually multiplies your double drop rate, so if you have 1,000 Drop Rate it will become 1,100 Drop Rate.
Drain rate - 1 orb
Double Evolution Essence
With this prayer, you will be able to collect Evolution essence 2x faster.
Drain rate - 1 orb
Save Infusion Charges
Your infusion charges will have a 50% chance to be saved when attacking monsters
Drain rate - 1 orb
10% Magic Damage, 10% Ranged Damage, 10% Melee Damage
This prayer will multiply your damage by 10% and does not provide regular damage boost. This is a multiplier.
So 200M damage will become 220M and so on.
Drain rate - 1 orb
30% Tribrid Damage
Very similar to the 10% damages, this damage will provide 30% damage multiplier in any combat style.
It is also stackable with the 10% multipliers.
If you get this prayer.. your truly a G
Drain rate - 2 orb
Slayer Demon Boss
This new boss is not like the traditional boss!
This is a boss that can only be attacked with the all new SLAYER SWORD.
It's not the most appealing visually, but it is cheap to buy from the Coin Shop for 100M coins.
It does not provide any bonuses, but it is also not needed because this sword is only used for the new Slayer Boss
Killing the slayer boss requires that your Slayer sword be infused with charges.
The requirement to infuse this sword is Slayer Scales!
The slayer scales are obtained by completing slayer tasks. Also requires level 1 infusion to be infused.
The slayer boss drops contracts and attachments, as well as slayer points every kill.
We will also take suggestions and recommendations for what this boss should drop.
The damage you deal on the boss does not matter, because it is completely randomized so that all players have a fair chance to kill him (even if your a newer guy)
New Mystery Boxes
New boxes have been added to the game!
Emptying Infusion Items
There has been a complaint that Infusion is hard to train, so now you can empty your infusion charges.
Warning: You will not receive the runes back.
Daily Tasks
The old yucky daily task interface is gone and won't be returning!
Crate Crash Global Event
Every 45 Minutes a Crate Crash Event will start. Players will need to come together to kill it. 1 hit = 1 damage towards boss.
To teleport here use the Zones teleport, or ::crate
Every player will receive 1x Crate Key directly to their inventory at the end of the event being completed.
AFK Evolution Checkout
How does this work?
Clicking the option to check-out at the evolution essence npcs, will allow you to log out and still be gaining evolution essences while you're logged out!
Once you've enabled the option, just simply start siphoning, then you can close your client etc and it'll continue to grind for you.
Box Adjustments
Minor boxes no longer have any other boxes inside of it
The medium size boxes ($10) ones now only have minor boxes in it, instead of being able to pull medium,grand boxes from it
GRAND Boxes no longer have other GRAND boxes in it
Goodbye Box Simulator!
Evolution Unlock Adjustments
It's now OBTAINABLE. We have lowered the unlocks for 50K,60K,70K,80K
After reviewing data, we understood that it was impossible to get past the 50K unlock.
Demon Warrior Boss
The demon warrior boss requires 1.5B cash to unlock.
He drops the new warrior accessories.
Magical Seer Boss
The magical seer boss requires 1.5B cash to unlock.
He drops the new seer accessories.
Archeristic Hawk
The archeristic hawk boss requires 1.5B cash to unlock.
He drops the new archer accessories.
Evil Trinity Boss
The Evil Trinity boss requires 5B cash to unlock.
He drops the new Trinity armour/weapons
!!! Warning: To attack this boss, you must have 10K kills of Demon Warrior, Magical Seer, Archeristic Hawk !!!
Seers, Archer & Warrior Accessories (T13)
The new accessories added to the game are very unique models that were created specifically for Fantasy RSPS.
These items have the same bonuses as Glorious, but for their correct combat style.
We do plan to release a Tribrid version of these accessories in the future that will be able to be created, so make sure you save each type!
Seers = Magic
Archer = Range
Warrior = Melee
These accessories can also be created in T13 Creation
Trinity Armour, Weapons (T14)
The new Trinity armour is best in slot, and provides slightly better bonuses than Glorious.
We did NOT scale the damage as much as other gears have been scaled up, this is something we want to slowly decrease.
Creation Requirement Adjustments
The requirement to Create Lightning, Fanatatic, and Glorious items have been slightly increased.
Trinity Slayer Master
The new Trinity slayer master will assign all 4 of the new bosses as a task!
Trinity Instances
The Trinity instance tokens are new and are required in order to instance Trinity bosses.
These instances can be grinded through the Impulse SP zone, and Legendary donator zone.
They can also be purchased from the coin shop.
Coin Shop Price Adjustment
The price of Ascendant, Glorious instances have been lowered
Trinity instances have been added for only 27M!
New Attachments
New attachments have been added in order to create the new accessories and armour
New Vote Rewards
For every vote you will now receive the following items
1-3 minor boxes, 40-60 instance goodiebags, $10 bond, 20% voting damage scroll
Voting Damage Scroll
This scroll will increase your damage by 20% for 4 hours
Valentine Heart Drop Adjustment
Valentine hearts now drop the new minor box AND instances!
Trinity Clues & Caskets
The new Trinity clues have been added!
Trinity Slayer Contract
A new Trinity slayer contract has been added!
New Dissolves
Glorious, Lightning, Seers, Archer, Warrior Items are dissolveable
Creative Workshop Adjustments
You will now get 1-2K creation tokens per task completed
You will get 5-15 instance goodiebags per task completed
New Pets
New pets have been added for all the new bosses!
Anti-AFK System
For now on, staff can use a command on players to force them to have to answer questions if players are caught botting.
This will lock their account so that they must answer the questions when attacking npcs every so often.
Players can use ::payfee to pay 5B cash to get this removed from their account.
Donator Rank/Zone Changes
Exclusive Donator+ will receive 5 extra instance goodiebags at Creative Workshop
Legendary Donator will receive 1 extra prayer shard per holy bone sacrified in the Prayer Chamber Minigame
Legendary Donator zone now has Trinity boxes that will spawn
Cash Bonus Scroll
The cash bonus scroll will give 50% extra cash for 1 hour and is obtainable from Daily Tasks
Slayer Points Scroll
The slayer points scroll will give 50% extra slayer points for 1 hour and is obtainable from Daily Tasks
New Achievements
New achievements are added for the new bosses, chests, boxes, etc!
Creating Instance Tokens
You can now create all the instance tokens by recycling your old tokens with creation tokens.
New Deal Bonuses
More bonuses have been added to the Server Boosts deals tab so that F2P players can benefit more off other players donations.
This tab gives every player in the game boosts when the server receives donations.
All other deals have also been updated.
Other Updates
- Staff now have a command to ban players from editing their yell colors
- You can no longer switch to hardcore iron man and lose ur bank
- You can now get an assignment from any slayer master if you have 1 prestige
- The ::refund system is now discontinued
- The add-donation command no longer spams chatbox with players that got donator ranks
- Global bosses are no longer AOE attackable
- Old DR orbs are now untradeable
- Fixed URLS that didn't go to correct vote/store pages
- BIS Choice Box has been updated
The ::yt system has been disabled
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