Views: 2,613 Game Update #12 - Infinity Slayer Skill, Kingdom Bosses, Ring of Voting, New Global Bosses + MORE!

Game Update #12 - Infinity Slayer Skill, Kingdom Bosses, Ring of Voting, New Global Bosses + MORE!

New Logo & Background

The client now has a new logo and client background!



Update Interface

Logging into the game after an update will now show this interface


Content Removal / Restructure

All gear Ascendant and under has been discontinued.

You can still wear these items, and they still have bonuses.

They will exist in the game for a couple more months before permanently being removed.


You will see a lot of bosses have been removed (all ascendant and above)


All creation tiers for Ascendant and above have been removed


The progression crates have been completely reworked.

A major difference in this, is that the new crates do not come with accessories.

Crate #1

Crate #2

Crate #3

Crate #4


Old slayer masters have been removed


The new ::vault

New boss for starter players


Starter boss loot adjustment

The starter boss loot after completing all 250 kills is now the 100k unlock


The coin shop prices have been increased



Anywhere that you receive old instances have been removed

Achievements have been removed for the old content

Old mystery boxes still exist but will not display on reward list interface
Fanatic raid is discontinued

The starter armor has not changed, but the bonuses are now equivalent to ascendant set

Old pets have been removed from the game for old bosses



New Bosses

4 new bosses have been added to the game!

Note - there are no superior versions. This will come next update !!


All of these bosses are in the new Kingdom tier which requires Kingdom instances.


Ice Golem

Requires 15k Satanic boss kills to attack

Unlocks for 2T Cash

Drops full Ice Golem Set (Melee, T10)


Enchantress Magician

Requires 15k Satanic boss kills to attack

Unlocks for 2T Cash

Drops full Enchantress Set (Magic, T10)


Salient Ranger

Requires 15k Satanic boss kills to attack

Unlocks for 2T Cash

Drops full Salient Set (Range, T10)


Kingdom Eliminator

Requires 10k Ice Golem, Enchantress magician, and Salient Ranger kills to attack

Unlocks for 5T Cash

Drops full Kingdom Set (Tribrid, T11)



Kingdom Slayer Master

A new slayer task has been added that will assign all new Kingdom bosses as a task.



Kingdom Slayer Contracts

A new slayer contract has been added!

This contract has been added to all correct shops and drops.

Completion of the contract will give Kingdom clues


Kingdom Clues & Caskets

The clues and caskets have been added to all correct shops and boss drops.


Kingdom Instances

The kingdom instances will spawn the new bosses in an instance (ctrl+i)!

Obtained from coin shop, creations, kingdom clues, instance goodiebags, and SP zone drops


New Pets

New pets have been added, all unlocked from the new bosses.


Ring of Voting

The ring can be used once per 12 hours.

In order to use the ring you must have voted in the last 24 hours.


Infinity Slayer

The infinity slayer expansion is finally here!

This will finally bring some more slayer content to the game because it allows us to expand.

The infinity slayer skill is the only non-combat skill in the game that can be levelled infinitely.

We thought this would make sense because the skill is “Infinity slayer”

Right now, players can level to 100,000 as the maximum, and you also must have the level unlock done.


To start infinity slayer you must buy the Infinity Slayer Zone T1 item from the Slayer Shop

The slayer zone

Using the Infinity Slayer Zone T1 item will bring you to the first slayer zone

At this zone there are 3 different monsters.

You must be on task to attack the monster.

Each monster gives a different amount of xp and tokens


Eclipsar demon:


Icey Dragon:




Slayer Stamina

Here you will see a slayer stamina bar, in order to do infinity slayer this bar must be atleast 1% !

To complete Infinity slayer tasks you must have the stamina

To get Slayer Stamina you must complete slayer tasks with the Kingdom slayer master

1 slayer task completed gets you 1 slayer stamina

Slayer stamina potions

The potion will increase your stamina by 10% !!

The potion can be bought from the coin shop, or earned through the new Ultimate Donator Zone.

Benefit to levelling Infinity slayer:

You will get more tokens per slayer task completed!


Level 1 - 10,000

Base value of 200 tokens per slayer task completed


Level 10,000 - 20,000

Base value of 400 tokens per slayer task completed


Level 20,000 - 30,000

Base value of 600 tokens per slayer task completed


Level 30,000 - 40,000

Base value of 800 tokens per slayer task completed


Level 40,000 - 50,000

Base value of 1,000 tokens per slayer task completed


Level 50,000 - 60,000

Base value of 1,200 tokens per slayer task completed


Level 60,000 - 70,000 

Base value of 1,400 tokens per slayer task completed


Level 70,000 - 80,000

Base value of 1,600 tokens per slayer task completed


Level 80,000 - 90,000

Base value of 1,800 tokens per slayer task completed

Infinity Slayer Reward

You can buy an Kingdom imbue in the Infinity slayer shop

This imbue will allow you to create Kingdom (i)

WARNING - This imbue is untradeable !!

Infinity Skip Ticket

The infinity skip ticket will reset your current Infinity slayer task

This is beneficial because some infinity monsters are better to kill than others.

Depending on your tier of monster you get different xp and tokens.


New Armour Sets

Ice Golem Set (T10, Melee)


Enchantress Set (T10, Magic)


Salient Set (T10, Range)


Kingdom Set (T11, Tribrid)



New Login Rewards

The login rewards have been reworked!

New Mystery Boxes

New boxes have been added for the new Kingdom tiers!

Global Key Adjustment

The global key boxes have been changed to better ones.

There is not much we can do about this key because there is mass amounts of them ingame.



Supreme Key Loot Buff

The supreme key boxes have been changed to new ones.

The imbue is not added into here because its untradeable and through Infinity slayer.


Vote Streak Loot Buff

The loot from Vote Streaks has been buffed

Boss Token Shop Rework

The clues are now at a more affordable price and satanic + kingdom clues have been added

Global Boss Changes

The global bosses now have better loot and the Fantasy Fanatic model has changed !

The voting boss now spawns once every 10 votes instead of 5


NEW GLOBAL - Locust Controller

This boss spawns every 4 hours !!

DOES NOT spawn with global events


NEW GLOBAL - Donation Skeleton

Spawns every $500 spent !!

DOES NOT spawn with global events


Ultimate Donator Zone

The ultimate donator zone is finally here!

The benefit to this zone is the option to grind slayer stamina potions.


The ultimate herb npc will give you the ultimate herb at 1/5 rate

He can be attacked by multiple people at the same time and his health is not based off of damage.


You must mine the rubble

At a 1/100 rate you will get the ultimate ore

When you get this ore it will teleport you (anti-bot)


You can use all the resources to create the Slayer Stamina Potions


Gauntlet Raid Adjustments

Health has been lowered by 50%

Health will be increased by 10% for each member in your party

Prayers now work (but not protection prayers or SS)

Bosses in Gauntlet Raid now do AOE damage


Elemental Amulet

The elemental amulet is the new rare in the Spin wheel!

We have also lowered the chances so its now much easier to get it.

Bug Fixes

Fixed bug where slayer duo would not work correctly with x2 slayer kc items

The Gauntlet raid key loot is now doubled on raid key days

Fixed some bugs where items change color/texture

Fixed dino collection log

XP and Damage (i) timers are not mis labeled anymore

You can now use % in private messages

When someone donates and a boost is activated, it no longer spams that they donated multiple times

Completionist cape trivia point benefit now works




QOL Updates

The Gauntlet raid key loot is now doubled on raid key days

Fixed bug where slayer duo would not work correctly with x2 slayer kc items

5K and 25K Bonds have been added

Vote reminders now say you can vote on 1 device every 12 hours and claim streaks

You can now quick start the Gauntlet Raid

Removed essence spam message when runecrafting

Legion members can now kill the boss 150x per day if they have voted today

All bugs sent through ::report are now automatically added to our Trello board for the developers

Thieving items now dissolve for 1M coins

The login message about the voting competition now automatically changes to the current month

Old kingdom items now say Discontinued and have their model removed

Ultimate Donators can now use ::spec to get special attack bar refilled

Special attack potions are now stackable

Vote variable boss is now every 10 votes instead of 5

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