Gauntlet Raid Guide
Gauntlet Raid Guide Fantasy RSPS
Welcome to the guide for Gauntlet raid guide, first you need to unlock this raid how to do this open the Creation and go to Tier 9 and create the Gauntlet raid scroll unlock
When you have unlocked the raid use the teleport pick raids and click on the gauntlet raid and click on the lever to teleport to there.
Once you are at the raid lobby area you talk to the gauntlet raid master, then pick option 1 open raids party
If you want to make your own raid party click on create to make your own party.
How to join another raid party!
Click on search then add in the name of the player you want to join, after you have typed the name of the player you want to join u click on the name and then click on join.
The Gauntlet raid has 4 phase of npc you need to kill to finish the raid.
Phase 1 regular boss kill - This boss has no mechanic so simply kill the boss.
Phase 2 boss - He will switch prayers every so often so u need multi attack style.
Phase 3 boss - You must stand in the green square to attack him, or else he heals and is unattackable.
Phase 4 boss - This is phase 3 and 2 combined into one. Prayer + green squares combination.
When you have finish all the bosses you will get the option to start a new raid or get to lobby, for every raid you complete you will be given gauntlet keys how many depends on ranks, and if you have unlocked raid keys scroll and if you wear the gauntlet raid cape.
In the nightmare zone shop there is a scroll that will give you x2 keys and the cape of raiding can also give x2 keys.
The chest loots you can get from the keys:
Loot From Chest:
Gauntlet Blade - is a combination spec weapon of the Energetic Staff, Elemental Bow and Doom Sword and have the 3 spec and last for 60 seconds
Gauntlet Shield - this is a shield you need to enter the Gauntlet zone. Check the guide here.!
Gauntlet Orb - this is a orb you have in your inventory when you kill Hostile Scorpion in the gauntlet zone, and it will double your gauntlet dust.
Cape of Raiding - This is one of the best cape and it give you x2 raid keys when wear this cape, you can wear it in main slot or in cosmetic slot.